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Too Much, Too Young .. May 1, 2007

Posted by stagedive in Idle Thoughts, My Girlfriend.

There was a time when MySpace, meant My Space & not some social intraction portal .. but it is with a giddy step that I announce to the world* that ‘my space’ is soon to become ‘our space’ .. it might catch on you know .. I asked T to move in & she said .. yes

I have that happy nervousness about me, albeit without the nervousness .. I have lived with anyone for 6 years & although the overwhelming emotion is excitement, I am equally curious about all the potentially pointless debates about nothing, that mean lots to one and little to another .. i.e. why can’t we sell all your guitars? <gulp> …

What happens when my ‘stuff’ gets relegated to the garage, what about the Barbie collection .. is that negotiable in today’s society?? Actually, should I admit to having a barbie collection in the first place????

As I momentarily skip through corn fields in my mind, it seems to be the easiest decision .. she is the best thing ever and soooooo easy to get on with .. so as I look forward to unpacking boxes full of things pink, fluffy and bow like, someone remind me in a couple of years time that debates about selling guitars are pointless … please please remind me …

* well, maybe not the whole world, but ‘modest readership’ sounded paltry in such context ..


1. screwasylum - May 1, 2007

Congrat’s to you both. Your music room will soon become a make shift beauty parlour where T & Em will get waxy and giggly! I’m sure there’s room in the loft for all those guitars anyway…so long as you dump your archived vinyl collection that is!

I’m not helping am I?!

2. Donna - May 1, 2007

Congratulations to you both. I really am very pleased for you. And pleased for the kids.

I’m not so sure Andy should be quite so readily agreeing that she’s the best girlfriend you’ve EVER had, but what the hell I’ll get over it! 😉

3. Wast - May 1, 2007

Well done young fella. Speaking as one who also moved in with new lady failry recently I can assure you that if you feel it’s the right thing to do then chances are it is. We are blissfully happy and all the things you thought you would worry about simply don’t materialise.

Good luck and I’m sure the Barbie collection will continue to be a talking point for osme years to come !

4. stagedive - May 4, 2007

Oooo .. kind comments a plenty 🙂 Thankyou on behalf of myself and Barbie..

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